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Installing MySQL 8.4 on Ubuntu 22.04

in #Tech
When the official Ubuntu packages are not enough

Browsing and editing files from the terminal with nnn and micro

in #Tech
A step by step configuration of nnn and micro to improve my productivity in the terminal.

.deb packages demystified

in #Tech
Learn how to create a .deb package from scratch with dpkg

How to remove the Home icon from the Ubuntu desktop

in #Tech
I always forget how to remove the Home folder icon on the Windows Desktop. It's not very intuitive in my memory. That's why I was a bit afraid to realize my office Ubuntu setup had this ugly icon representing my home directory on my otherwise virgin desktop. Turns out, it's …

How to kill a stopped process in Linux terminal

in #Tech
Let's say you started an application via the terminal and you used Ctrl-Z instead of Ctrl-C to continue working in your console. By doing so, your process was put in the background. How kill it easily then? On Windows WSL, sometimes you won't be able to kill it from the …