Blog like it's 2002

tech and stuff

3 articles in Misc

Retour sur le Hellfest 2024

in #Misc
Du 27 au 30 juin 2024 Jour 1 Babymetal (Main Stage) Mou, sans inspiration, son bof. J'en attendais pas grand chose en live mais j'ai été quand même déçu. On était peut-être un peu loin ? Lien vers le concert Landmvrks (Main Stage) Jamais entendu parler et pourtant c'est de l'excellent …

The Science of Dune

in #Misc
Here is a talk I made for a company event in another life. It's not work-related, it's mine so I can freely share it with the world! (It also goes along with my desire of putting all my writing and creation in one single place, aka this blog.) I'm a …

How boardgames kept me sane during the pandemic

in #Misc
A fun lightning talk I gave 2 years ago at a company event 😀 The intriguing title was supposed to attract people after hours of more serious and corporate presentations (it worked) I explained in the talk that I basically played a lot during the COVID era and it helped my …