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How to kill a stopped process in Linux terminal

in #Tech
Let's say you started an application via the terminal and you used Ctrl-Z instead of Ctrl-C to continue working in your console. By doing so, your process was put in the background. How kill it easily then? On Windows WSL, sometimes you won't be able to kill it from the …

Citadel (The Palladium Wars #3)

in #Books
Après Aftershocks et Ballistic, j'ai craqué sur le troisième tome de cette série et bien m'en a pris. Le deuxième volume se finissait avec un terrible évènement qui frappait la planète Rhodia. Cela change la situation dans toute la galaxie. Nos héros-contrebandiers du Zephyr se la jouent discrets mais évidemment …

The Science of Dune

in #Misc
Here is a talk I made for a company event in another life. It's not work-related, it's mine so I can freely share it with the world! (It also goes along with my desire of putting all my writing and creation in one single place, aka this blog.) I'm a …

The Android's dream

in #Books
J'ai récupéré la version anglaise de The Android's Dream de John Scalzi récemment et je l'ai donc commencé sans me rendre compte que je l'avais déjà lu en français en 2019 (cervelle de poisson rouge). Le bouquin commence avec la pire scène d'introduction que j'ai jamais lue, entre l'humour potache …

My first Python User Group meeting

in #Tech
Yesterday I attended a Python user group meeting in Ghent. It was interesting and I'm glad I joined despite this week being my first in my new position. They were 3 talks: First talk was about Design Patterns in Python: after a brief presentation of the famous book from the …